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Fretboard Warriors' Playbook: Fun and Effective Guitar Practice at Home.


Practising guitar

Practising guitar at home is an exciting journey into the world of music. Remember, the guitar is in your hands, and it's up to you to bring it to life.


Start by moving your fingers along the fretboard, exploring different notes and chords. Begin with easy exercises to get comfortable.



Spend time each day practising scales, chord progressions, and maybe even parts of songs. Listen to the sounds you make and try to play clearer, nicer notes each time.


Using a metronome can help you keep a steady rhythm. Don't forget to have fun and try out your own ideas!


The cool part of playing music is expressing yourself and discovering new sounds. To make music happen, you need to move your hands and fingers on the guitar – and that's when the magic starts!


Can I just learn songs?!

Learning guitar is not just about playing songs; it's about understanding music. You'll learn about chords, which are like the building blocks of songs, and scales, which help you make melodies. Knowing music theory is like having a map that shows you where to put your fingers on the guitar and why. This knowledge helps you understand how songs are made.


When you learn chords, scales, and theory, you're not just learning songs. You're learning how to make music yourself. This gives you the power to play any song you want in your own way.


Learning guitar is about freedom – the freedom to play and enjoy the music you love.



As for practise time, it varies based on hand strength, natural talent, and your desire to progress:


First 0-6 Months:

  • Focus on easing into practice.

  • Concentrate on establishing a habit rather than the length of practice.

  • It's normal for young hands to feel a bit sore.

  • 6+ Months:

  • Aim for about 30 minutes of practice, 5-7 days a week.

  • If comfortable, you can practise more.


  • 1 Year and Beyond:

  • Try to practise for around an hour on most days.

  • An hour-long session should be a regular and manageable part of your routine.

  • This allows for deeper skill development.


 Remember, these are guidelines. Adjust your practice schedule to suit your comfort and goals.


 Guitar Practice Routine


1.    Scales (5 minutes):

  • Use scales as a warm-up exercise.

  • This helps in building finger dexterity and familiarises you with the fretboard.

2. Chords (5 minutes):

  • After warming up with scales, move on to practising chords.

  • Spend time reviewing the scales and how they relate to the chords you're learning.

3.    Rhythm Practice (15 minutes +):

  • Dedicate this time to practise all the chords you have learned.

  • Focus on strumming patterns and keeping a steady rhythm.

4.    Lead Practice (15 minutes):

  • Practise improvising to backing tracks.

  • This enhances your soloing skills and helps in understanding musical phrasing.

5.    Theory and Fretboard Knowledge:

  • Spend time brushing up on fretboard knowledge and any theory questions in your book.

  • This is crucial for understanding music and navigating the guitar.

6.    Ear Training:

  • Remember, every time you sit down to practise, you're training your ears.

  • Listen carefully to the notes and work on making them sound clean and clear.

  • Consider using ear training apps for additional practice.


After Completing the Routine:

  • Songs: Practice playing songs, focusing on what you've learned.

  • Creative Writing: Spend time composing your own music or creating your own riffs.

  • Riffs: Work on learning and perfecting different riffs.

  • Song Study: don’t forget to look up new bands and artists on YouTube!


Guitar Lessons

30-Minute Lessons:

·        These are ideal for beginners, especially when you're just starting out.

·        Shorter lessons help in grasping the basics without feeling overwhelmed.

·        They provide a solid introduction to guitar playing and are suitable for younger pupils.


1-Hour Lessons (Recommended from Age 12 and Above):

As you progress, especially from around 12 years old, consider switching to 1-hour lessons.

·        Longer lessons allow for a more comprehensive coverage of the practice plan.

·        They are more suitable for keen pupils who are ready to dive deeper into guitar playing.

·        1-hour lessons ensure that there's enough time to cover all aspects, including scales, chords, rhythm, lead, theory, and ear training.


Remember, the duration of your lessons should align with your commitment level and eagerness to learn. While 30-minute lessons are a great starting point, 1-hour lessons offer a more thorough and in-depth learning experience as your skills develop.

Debbie Leigh Driver

Founder Fretboard Warriors

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